January 2024

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Additions January 2024

  • 5 new categories
  • 551 new pages
  • 871 new images

Total on the site : 171.864 pages and 282.934 images


Category:Apian imagesCategory:CG116 imagesCategory:Heraldry of ItalyCategory:Hofkleiderbuch (images)Category:Roman Catholic nunciatures


150th Mechanized Brigade, Ukrainian Army - 152nd Mechanized Brigade, Ukrainian Army - 156th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment named after Maksym Kryvonos, Ukrainian Air Force - 1st Battalion, 81st Airborne Brigade, Ukrainian Army - 1st Emperor Alexander II's Ekaterinoslavsk Grenadier Regiment, Imperial Russian Army - 1st Quartermaster Regiment, California State Guard - 1st Regiment, North Carolina State Guard - 21st Infantry Regiment, Massachusetts State Guard - 22nd Mechanized Brigade, Ukrainian Army - 23rd Regiment, New York State Guard - 26th Infantry Regiment, Massachusetts State Guard - 2nd Infantry Regiment, Massachusetts State Guard - 302nd Chemical Regiment, US Army - 31st Transportation Battalion, US Army - 516th Air Defence Group, US Air Force - 51st Regiment, New York State Guard - 56th Regiment, New York State Guard - 586th Air Expeditionary Group, US Air Force - 6 Canadian Combat Suport Brigade, Canadian Army - 6 Canadian Combat Support Brigade, Canadian Army - 611th Military Airlift Support Group, US Air Force - 655th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group, US Air Force - 659th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group, US Air Force - 690th Electronic Security Group, US Air Force - 692nd Intelligence, Sureveillance and Reconnaissance Group, US Air Force - 692nd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group, US Air Force - 693rd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group, US Air Force - 6th Prince Friedrich Leopold of Prussia's Libau Infantry Regiment, Imperial Russian Army - 720th Special Tactics Group, US Air Force - 752nd Special Operations Group, US Air Force - 7575th Operations Group, US Air Force - 857th Combat Support Group, US Air Force - 867th Cyberspace Operations Group, US Air Force - 97th Chemical Battalion, US Army - 9th Infantry Regiment, California State Guard - Ad unitatem in caritate - Ad vesperum de amore iudicabimur - Ad vitam novam - Adolfo Tito Camacho Yllana - Adorabo - Adorar caminar acompañar - Ala una i left alota - Alberto Cosme do Amaral - Alberto Ortega Martín - Albion et polaris - Aldo Giordano - Alessandro D’Errico - Alfred Xuereb - Amando Samo - Ambrose Madtha - Amor fortior est - Anatomical Society - Andrea Aiuti - Andrea Sarti - Andrés Carrascosa Coso - Andrés Gabriel Ferrada Moreira - Andrzej Józwowicz - Angelo Accattino - Angelo Vincenzo Zani - Anglo-Swedish Society - Annibale Bugnini - Anselmo Guido Pecorari - Antoine Camilleri - Antoni Stankiewicz - Antonio Guido Filipazzi - Antonio Mennini - Arduum ac insuetum per iter - Arnaldo Sanchez Catalan - Årøbukt Fort, Norwegian Navy - Audrys Juozas Bačkis - Aurelio García Macías - Baffie - Bailiwick of Utrecht - Beati misericordes - Belmont Abbey (UK) - Benedictum lignum per quod fit iusitia - Bernardin de Rosset de Fleury - Bernhard Adriaan Gijlswijk - Böhmisch Sternberg - Bois-de-la-Pierre - Borovná - Boulaur - Bouzel - Bruno Bernard Heim - Bruno Bertagna - Brutelles - Burghead and Cummingston - Calleville - Certamen idoneum - Champétières - Christi crucem nuntio - Christophe Zakhia El-Kassis - Christum nuntiare - Christus dominus nos liberavit - Christus domus nos - Christus reconciliatio nostra - Christus rex - Clarifica nomen tuum - Commonwealth of Virginia - Communionis donus servare - Confitebor tibi in populis - Courmont (Haute-Saône) - Custodiens veritatem - Cuvergnon - Dagoberto Campos Salas - Dant soecula vires - Děčany - Deus et honos - Dieudonné Datonou - Dlouhopolsko - Dobrná - Dobršín - Domus nostra in itinere - Ecclesiastical heraldry of Czechia - Edgar Peña Parra - Edmond Youssef Farhat - Edward Joseph Adams - Elbeteinitz - En alerte - En dat Virginia quintam - Enxarada do Bispo - Erwin Josef Ender - Eugene Martin Nugent - Ex conformatione usus - Ex igne lux - Fabio Fabene - Falsterbo - Felixberto Camacho Flores - Felixtowe - Fermín Emilio Sosa Rodríguez - Fernando Coutinho - Florentino de Andrade e Silva - Fortunatus Nwachukwu - Francisco Gerardo Escalante Molina - Franco Croci - François Blouet de Camilly - François Robert Bacqué - Frigate KNM Trondheim (F302), Norwegian Navy - Gabriele Giordano Caccia - Gaudium domini fortitudo - Giacomo Antonelli - Giampiero Gloder - Gian Luca Perici - Gianfranco Gallone - Gianfranco Girotti - Giorgio Zur - Giovanni Pietro Dal Toso - Girolamo Prigione - Giuseppe Antonio De Andrea - Giuseppe Burzio - Giuseppe Russo - Grimaucourt-en-Woëvre - Group 3. Pennsylvania Wing, Civil Air Patrol - Group 5, Pennsylvania Wing Civil Air Patrol - Guido Pozzo - Gustavo Manuel Larrazábal - Hacqueville - Hælsnæs - Hälsingborg - Henryk Józef Nowacki - Henryk Mieczysław Jagodziński - HMCS William Hall, Royal Canadian Navy - Hoce tutabimur - Horušice - Hrochowteinitz - Hubertus Matheus Maria van Megen - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me - In communione gaudium - In libro gaudium - In oboedientia veritatis - In te confido Jesu - Institute of Accountants and Actuaries in Glasgow - Institute of Bankers in South Africa - Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland - Intelligence and Electronic Warfare School, Norwegian Army - Ivan Jurkovič - Jacques-Paul Martin - Jean Laffitte - Jean-Marie Antoine Joseph Speich - Jean-Sylvain Emien Mambé - Jihlávka - Jíkev - Joachim-François-Mamert de Conzié - John Quinn Weitzel - José Avelino Bettencourt - Josef Clemens - Joseph Augustine Di Noia - Joseph Jan Robert Mees - Joseph Spiteri - Jude Thaddeus Okolo - Julián de Cortázar - Julio Murat - Jungfernteinitz - Justo Mullor García - Juxta misericordiam non deficimus - Kansas Wing, Civil Air Patrol - Kazan - Kolio Tumanuvao Etuale - Korshamn Fort, Norwegian Navy - Kosičky - Kosořice - Kotopeky - Kozlovice (Plzeň-jih) - Krabbendam - Lány u Dašic - Las navas no vueleven la espada jamás - L'Échelle-Saint-Aurin - Leo Boccardi - Lety (Písek) - Levanto esta coronella para poner el freno a los enemigos de mi corona - Lino Zanini - Lithuanian Grand Hetman Kristupas Radvila Perkūnas Signal Battalion. Lithuanian Army - Louis Raphaël I Sako - Luciano Storero - Luciano Suriani - Luigi Gatti - Luís Miguel Muñoz Cárdaba - Marek Solczyński - Marek Zalewski - Mark Gerard Miles - Martin Krebs - Martin Vidović - Martinus Nicolaas Lucas - Mesnil-Bruntel - Michael August Blume - Mid-Atlantic Region, Civil Air Patrol - Milíčov - Minnesota Wing, Civil Air Patrol - Mirosław Adamczyk - Misericordia et spes - Moissat - Monclar (Gers) - Myennes - National Security Centre of Excellence - Naval District Harstad, Norwegian Navy - Naval District Sørlandet, Norwegian Navy - Naval District Trøndelag, Norwegian Navy - Naval District Vestlandet, Norwegian Navy - Nec timeus nec vacillamus - New Jersey Wing, Civil Air Patrol - Nicolas Henry Marie Denis Thevenin - No 45 Squadron, Indian Air Force - Nogent-le-Sec - Northeast Region, Civil Air Patrol - Nová Ves nad Nisou - Nunciature to Albania - Nunciature to Andorra - Nunciature to Angola - Nunciature to Antigua and Barbuda - Nunciature to Argentina - Nunciature to Armenia - Nunciature to Australia - Nunciature to Austria - Nunciature to Azerbaijan - Nunciature to Bahamas - Nunciature to Bahrain - Nunciature to Bangladesh - Nunciature to Barbados - Nunciature to Bayern - Nunciature to Belgian Congo - Nunciature to Belgium - Nunciature to Belize - Nunciature to Benin - Nunciature to Bolivia - Nunciature to Bosnia and Herzegovina - Nunciature to Botswana - Nunciature to Brazil - Nunciature to Brunei - Nunciature to Bulgaria - Nunciature to Burkina Faso - Nunciature to Cambodia - Nunciature to Cameroon - Nunciature to Canada - Nunciature to Cape Verde - Nunciature to Central America - Nunciature to Chad - Nunciature to Chile - Nunciature to China - Nunciature to Colombia - Nunciature to Comoros - Nunciature to Cook Islands - Nunciature to Costa Rica - Nunciature to Council of Europe - Nunciature to Croatia - Nunciature to Cuba - Nunciature to Czechia - Nunciature to Democratic Republic of Congo - Nunciature to Denmark - Nunciature to Djibouti - Nunciature to Dominica - Nunciature to Dominican Republic - Nunciature to Ecuador - Nunciature to Egypt - Nunciature to El Salvador - Nunciature to Equatorial Guinea - Nunciature to Eritrea - Nunciature to Estonia - Nunciature to eSwatini - Nunciature to Ethiopia - Nunciature to European Union - Nunciature to Fiji - Nunciature to Finland - Nunciature to France - Nunciature to Gabon - Nunciature to Gambia - Nunciature to Georgia - Nunciature to Germany - Nunciature to Ghana - Nunciature to Great Britain - Nunciature to Greece - Nunciature to Grenada - Nunciature to Guatemala - Nunciature to Guinea - Nunciature to Guinea-Bissau - Nunciature to Guyana - Nunciature to Holy Roman Empire - Nunciature to Hungary - Nunciature to Iceland - Nunciature to India - Nunciature to Iran - Nunciature to Iraq - Nunciature to Ireland - Nunciature to Italy - Nunciature to Ivory Coast - Nunciature to Jamaica - Nunciature to Jordan - Nunciature to Kazakhstan - Nunciature to Kenya - Nunciature to Kiribati - Nunciature to Kuwait - Nunciature to Kyrgyzstan - Nunciature to Laos - Nunciature to Latvia - Nunciature to Lebanon - Nunciature to Lesotho - Nunciature to Liberia - Nunciature to Libya - Nunciature to Liechtenstein - Nunciature to Lithuania - Nunciature to Luxembourg - Nunciature to Madagascar - Nunciature to Malawi - Nunciature to Malaysia - Nunciature to Malaysia and Brunei - Nunciature to Mali - Nunciature to Malta - Nunciature to Marshall Islands - Nunciature to Mauritania - Nunciature to Mauritius - Nunciature to Micronesia - Nunciature to Moldova - Nunciature to Monaco - Nunciature to Mongolia - Nunciature to Montenegro - Nunciature to Mozambique - Nunciature to Myanmar - Nunciature to Namibia - Nunciature to Nauru - Nunciature to Nepal - Nunciature to Netherlands - Nunciature to New Zealand - Nunciature to Niger - Nunciature to Nigeria - Nunciature to North Macedonia - Nunciature to Norway - Nunciature to Oman - Nunciature to Pacific Ocean - Nunciature to Pakistan - Nunciature to Palau - Nunciature to Panama - Nunciature to Papua New Guinea - Nunciature to Paraguay - Nunciature to Peru - Nunciature to Philippines - Nunciature to Poland - Nunciature to Portugal - Nunciature to Qatar - Nunciature to Red Sea Region - Nunciature to Republic of Congo - Nunciature to Romania - Nunciature to Russia - Nunciature to Rwanda - Nunciature to Saint Kitts and Nevis - Nunciature to Saint Lucia - Nunciature to Saint Vincent and Grenadines - Nunciature to Samoa - Nunciature to San Marino - Nunciature to São Tomé and Príncipe - Nunciature to Scandinavia - Nunciature to Senegal - Nunciature to Serbia - Nunciature to Seychelles - Nunciature to Sierra Leone - Nunciature to Singapore - Nunciature to Slovakia - Nunciature to Slovenia - Nunciature to Solomon Islands - Nunciature to Somalia - Nunciature to South Africa - Nunciature to South Korea - Nunciature to South Sudan - Nunciature to Spain - Nunciature to Sri Lanka - Nunciature to Sudan - Nunciature to Suriname - Nunciature to Swaziland - Nunciature to Sweden - Nunciature to Switzerland - Nunciature to Syria - Nunciature to Tajikistan - Nunciature to Tanzania - Nunciature to Thailand - Nunciature to Timor-Leste - Nunciature to Togo - Nunciature to Tonga - Nunciature to Trinidad and Tobago - Nunciature to Turkey - Nunciature to Turkmenistan - Nunciature to Ukraine - Nunciature to United Arab Emirates - Nunciature to United Nations Environment Program and Human Settlements Program - Nunciature to Uruguay - Nunciature to Uzbekistan - Nunciature to Vanuatu - Nunciature to Vietnam - Nunciature to Yemen - Nunciature to Zambia - Nunciature to Zimbabwe - O le alofa e fai taulaga - Order of the Teutonic Knights of Saint Mary’s Hospital in Jerusalem - Oriatur - Paolo De Nicolò - Paolo Rudelli - Paray-le-Frésil - Pastor et viator - Paul Tschang In-Nam - Petar Antun Rajič - Peter Bryan Wells - Peter Stephan Zurbriggen - Petrus Canisius van Lierde - Piedicorte-di-Gaggio - Piencourt - Piero Biggio - Piero Pioppo - Pietro Sigismondi - Praecedit vos in Galileam - Praedicare et ministrare - Prévelles - Prevent protecct recover - Pro ecclesia et eclesiis - Pro eis sanctifico meipsum - Properantes adventum diei dei - Quaere verum - Quasi lignum super aquas - RAF Station Coningsby, Royal Air Force - RAF Station Spadeadam, Royal Air Force - Raffaele Fornari - Rapid Deployment Squadron, Oslo and Akershus Home Guard District 02, Norway - Rehabilitation Institute of Montreal - Renzo Fratini - Rothonay - Sainte-Colombe-la-Commanderie - Salvatore Rino Fisichella - Samtgemeinde Elm-Asse - Santo Rocco Gangemi - Scis domine quia amo te - Sebastianberg - Seestadtl - Seltschan - Semil - Semper ubique dei voluntas - Sergio Pagano - Serowitz - Servus domini cordis - Servus et legetus - Setsch - Sezemitz - Sic obvia frangit - Signa inferte - Skalitz - Skanör - Skjeljanger Fort, Norwegian Navy - Skopytce - Skutsch - Skworetz - Smidar - Sobieslau - Soli deo laus - Solnice (Rychnov nad Kněžnou) - Solnitz - Solvere calceamenta - Spes autem non confundit - Spiritus sancti virtute - Sruby - Starkenbach - Starkstadt - State of Bamberg - Stiechowitz - Stiekna - Stiepanow - Strakonitz - Strenitz - Strobnitz - Strunkowitz - Svratka (Žďár nad Sázavou) - Swietla - Swoganow - Swratka - Technical Sensor Squadron, Intelligence Battalion, Norwegian Army - Tepel - Teutonic Order - Theising - Thomas Edward Gullickson - Titular See of Novaliciana - Tommaso Caputo - Totum aciei spatium - Trälleborg - Tremles - Trondenes Training Unit, Norwegian Navy - Tržek - Tymon Tytus Chmielecki - Ubaldo Calabresi - Ultima ratio regis - Unus magister vester - Up and at em - US Army Cyber Corps - Ut ita et vos faciatas - Ut sermo dei currat - Vendine - Verbum dei currat - Veritas vis misericordiae - Veritati servire - Věžnička - Vicente Faustino Zazpe - Vide ut sileas - Vince patientia - Vinculum amoris et unitatis - Virtus Christi amor - Visterøy Fort, Norwegian Navy - Vito Rallo - Vivat veritas - Volens et fidelis - Vortová - Waldemar Stanisław Sommertag - Washington Wing, Civil Air Patrol - Wi i kan - William Aquin Carew - Yèvres-le-Petit - Zábřezí-Řečice - Ἔσχατος καὶ διάκονος - الوحدة أصالة تجديد
